by Annie Woodford
BOOTLEG uses the life of North Carolina banjo revolutionary Charlie Poole as its organizing principle, both sonically and thematically. These are poems bound by familial roots to a geography and a culture that gives them both their accent and their song as well as their fatalism and their sorrow.
Annie Woodford is a native of the Virginia Piedmont. Her mother's people moved down from the mountains in the early 20th century to work in the furniture and textile mills that used to dominate the economy of the Piedmont. She earned her MA in Creative Writing from Hollins College and her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Appalachian Heritage, The Southern Review, and Blackbird, among others. A winner of the Graybeal-Gowen Prize for Virginia Poets, she has also been awarded scholarships from the Appalachian Writers' Workshop and the Bread Loaf and Sewanee writers' conferences. She teaches at Wilkes Community College in North Carolina.